
We help people to understand data.
Our tools help people to check the IMEI code of their mobile phones, get information about their credit rating, credit history and other data from our systems.

Mano Scorify

Do you feel confident while managing your personal finances? Do you know how you are perceived by credit institutions? You can check your credit rating and credit history in Mano Scorify system. You can subscribe to monitoring service of your credit rating, and the system will notify you on any changes by email or SMS.

Mano Scorify combines information from Creditoria, Social Security Fund and bank accounts.

Credit calculator

Get to know your credit limits and possible monthly loan repayment, as all your liabilities are presented in one place. System evaluates your financial liabilities, income and its sustainability, credit history while calculating your monthly loan repayment.


Together with Lithuanian Police and telecommunication companies Telia, Tele2 and Bite, Scorify takes responsibility to fight against phone theft and counterfeiting. My IMEI systems provides possibility to check your phone information according to its IMEI code.

Since the start of the project, 10 thousand devices were blocked after their IMEI codes where checked in international GSMA system, uniting telecommunication companies across the globe.
Almost 300 thousand phone devices were checked by their IMEI code in My IMEI system in 2023.